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Multifamily Apartment Private Placements - Rising Rates, Inflation and Outlook

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As the Federal Reserve continues to raise interest rates, that changes the environment for apartment investors. But so far, rising rates have not led to a drop in demand for affordable apartments. Factors such as rising rents, and low inventory are offsetting the interest rate risk and keeping property prices at lofty levels. In today's webinar, Travis Watts from Ashcroft Capital discusses the current economic environment for multifamily apartments and how you can benefit from real estate private placements during 2022.

Due Diligence and Investing in Real Estate Private Equity Funds.

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CityVest Logo

The best real estate investment managers attract significant institutional capital and make investments out of passive blind pool real estate private equity funds. Institutional fund managers generally achieve the highest returns and are the safest due to their experience, use of auditors and administrators, specialized geographic / sector knowledge, deploy opportunistic capital, and are diversified. In order to make an investment in a real estate private equity fund and entrust your capital with a manager, an investor needs unique due diligence and analysis skills to understand the fund documentation and manager’s capability and strategy as compared to making an investment in an identified single property with specific underwriting criteria.

Join your host, CityVest's founder and CEO Alan Donenfeld, for a detailed look at the advantages of real estate private equity funds and the kind of due diligence that must be done in order to make an investment in a private equity fund.

You'll learn:
  • Why are investments in private equity funds more attractive than sponsors' individual deals?
  • How do you conduct due diligence on a manager's track record and team qualifications?
  • What is the fee structure and how are the manager's interests aligned with the investors?
  • How does the investment manager handle risks, protect capital and utilize debt?
  • Is there tax efficiency and how do state taxes and composite returns work?
  • How can you obtain enhanced investment terms through a side letter agreement?
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Why Grocery-Anchored CRE Belongs in Every Investor's Portfolio

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First Nation Realty Logo

When it comes to consistent cash flow and value-add potential, grocery anchors stand above the rest. The anchor tenants of a commercial real estate property are one of the most important factors of an investment opportunity. Strong anchor tenants come with a number of benefits like lower credit risk, higher foot traffic, and the ability to attract other tenants to the property. Join your host, First National Realty Partners' Managing Director, Drew Carpenter, for an in-depth look at why grocery-anchored CRE belongs in every investor's portfolio. You'll learn:

  • Why grocery-anchored commercial real estate is one of the best-performing real estate asset classes since 2020.
  • The differences between grocery-anchored CRE and multi-family, and why the latter doesn't hold a match to grocery-anchored CRE.
  • How FNRP squeezes every drop of income out of their assets with a vertically-integrated, hands-on management approach.
  • How partnering with a private equity sponsor can help the process of growing your wealth tax free.
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Why We Continue to Invest in BTR

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Redwood Logo

In the past few years, the term “build to rent” (BTR) has become an increasingly popular segment of the real estate investment industry. However, there are still relatively few BTR properties when looking at the housing market in general. In June 2021, Hunter Housing Economics stated that of the homes built in the United States, just 6% were classified as BTR. In the next 2 years, the real estate consulting firm expects the number of BTR homes built each year to double.In the meantime, the current housing shortage is causing the demand for rental housing to continue its increase. For BTR companies, there is ample opportunity to fill this gap in the housing market, and in the case of Redwood, they have had their sights set on expanding throughout suburban America for quite some time. Join us to discuss:

  • Why renting is on the rise
  • Where the BTR market is expected to grow
  • What investing in the BTR market looks like
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Appearing Professional to Investors - Best Practices

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Appfolio Logo

Your investors are vital to your business' success, making it vital to foster lasting relationships with them. It's essential to know how to impress investors by maintaining a professional appearance at all times, but investor expectations are changing quickly. Come learn best practices on how to impress, attract, and retain investors.

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The sponsors may contact me directly about industry news, products, services and events that may be of interest to me subject to their privacy policy. The sponsors are:

  • Ashscroft
    Multifamily Apartment Private Placements - Rising Rates, Inflation and Outlook
  • CityVest
    Due Diligence and Investing in Real Estate Private Equity Funds
  • First National Realty Partners
    Why Grocery-Anchored CRE Belongs in Every Investor's Portfolio
  • Redwood Living
  • Appfolio
    Appearing Professional to Investors - Best Practices